We're Back in the DR! The 2022 Trip Diary Begins
Dear Friends and Supporters of DR Projects - This is the first in a series of Blog Posts for the DR Projects trip in April, 2022. I'm hiding out as part of the 2019 trip blog because I am not getting along with Blogspot with regard to starting a brand new blog. We'll make sure that everyone finds their way to this one! After two successful trips in 2019 (the one chronicled here below and the one led later in the year by Frank Perotti), we had big plans for our next trip in 2020, with the particular goal, of continuing the reading program at the Altagracia elementary school in Cotui. Everything was in place: we had seen the curriculum in action, we had two dedicated teachers, and we had a cadre of volunteers ready to take things to the next level. On a larger scale in the DR, our ally and inspiring role model Juan Valdez, was making significant progress in his visionary goal of helping every underserved child in his country to learn English. It's...