A Busy Week Ahead - Everything You Need to Know

 Yesterday we published a schedule (properly formatted, finally)  for the week ahead, and today we offer an in-depth narrative explanation of everything players and parents need to know to navigate the week ahead. We cannot stress enough the importance of having every player and parent read the blog each morning.  This afternoon two Varsity players were late to practice because they got the time wrong.  It was clearly published in the blog available this morning.  No excuse. 

Weeks ago we scheduled a meeting for parents and players on Monday.  Since then, a freshman road game was scheduled, and the Varsity practice time was switched to 7:00.  So, no meeting tomorrow.  We are tentatively scheduling the meeting for Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the bleachers at Merriman Branch Field. The weather looks decent, and it's after the sub-varsity training sessions, and before the Varsity one at 7:00.  We will make it worth your while to camp out in the bleachers at supper time on a school night to hear me freestyling with an open microphone.

Monday is a busy day, but there is no need for it to be chaotic.  The Freshman team has an away game at Manchester Memorial High School (1 Crusader Way, Manchester, NH. 03103).  Players should come to school with their white away uniform, soccer gear, lots of drinking water, and a snack to eat after school before getting on the bus.  When school is over, players should come to the athletic hallway outside the Athletic Office, near the doors that lead to the Lebanon Street parking lot.  Coach Grabill will be there for open the locker room so players can change, and then have their snack.  He will help the players and Coach Ned Harris find the correct bus and get loaded for an on-time departure. Players should be sure to have enough backpack space for their school clothing.  Remember, free candy if you happen to wear Touchline gear to school.  Parents are welcome to come to Manchester to watch the game, and players are allowed to go home from the game with their parents, provided we know in advance.  Players may not ride with other parents.  What would be really cool would be to have a parent or two bring cold post-game drinks and a small snack for the team to have before they get back on the bus.  Any takers?  Probable arrival time back at HHS is 8:17, give or take.  Remember, masks on the bus at all times and no eating.

The JV1 and JV2 teams will practice at Dresden at 4:00.  The practice bus runs begin tomorrow.  Every day, one or two buses will leave HHS at 3:45 (optimistic scheduled time) and travel to Dresden, full of well-behaved players who have spent the time after school constructively, and not trampling the plants just outside the SUA Office windows.  Practice will run from 4:00 - 5:30.  The return bus to HHS will leave at 5:45, or when everyone is really to roll.  The practice and practice bus schedules are the same every day but Wednesday, when everything is an hour early.  Both JV1 and JV2 teams will receive their uniforms at practice for Tuesday's games. The Varsity will train on the HHS Turf on Monday from 7:00 - 8:45, and receive their uniforms for Tuesday.  

Tuesday is a busy day, with three teams in action.  The JV2 will play at Sunapee at 4:30, and will follow the same protocol as the Freshman team.  After school, come to the athletic hallway, find Coach Grabill, change in the locker room, eat your snack, and get on the bus with Coach Bucket.  The Freshmen will catch the Practice Bus at 3:45 (lots of time to change and get a post-school snack), and demurely ride to Dresden, remembering that all drivers have Coach Grabill's cell number and are eager to report misbehavior.  Practice is over at 5:30, and parents may either pick players up art Dresden (carpooling is allowed after practice) or at HHS.  The bus departs Dresden at 5:45 and is scheduled to arrive at HHS at 6:00.

JV1 plays Exeter on the grass field at 6:15 on Tuesday.  The game is scheduled late because Exeter has bus issues, and cannot come any sooner. We will get the game in before dark.  The Varsity plays Exeter on the Turf at 6:15.  This is a significant game.  Exeter is a longstanding adversary, and will be a top contender this year. The match should be competitive and close. It's the first time in two years that we are allowed to have non-parental fans.  We would love to have the other teams come and watch.  It's a good chance to see a very, very good team in action.  We need four members of the Freshman team to serve as ball boys.  First come, first served.  You won't be sorry if you volunteer to be a ball boy.

We are going to ask the JV1 and Varsity teams to come to school fully dressed in their uniforms at 5:00 for team and individual photos.  All players should meet behind the goal on the turf field.

Wednesday is a full practice day for all teams, with practice busses leaving at 2:45 and practice running from 3:00 - 4:30.  Then, as previously advertised, we will gather all players and all parents on the bleachers at Megriman-Branch Field at 6:00 for our parent-player meeting.

That's enough for now. If we can make it through Wednesday, it will be quite a feat to have all four teams fully kitted out, and with a game under their belts.  Thanks for checking the blog every day.  And by the way, on days like Monday, when there is a chance of thunderstorms, please check the blog and email for weather updates. Have a great first day of school!


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