Full Schedule For a Busy Week Ahead
Beginning now, we will publish the schedule for all practices and games for the program. Usually we will do this on Sunday evening. This week's schedule carries through to the start of school next week, and the first games for all four of our teams. Our Varsity team has been established, with the possibility of one tweak, and the JV1 team will be finalized on Tuesday night. The JV2 and Freshman team will be finalized and published on Thursday night, in time for their first practices on Friday.
All non-varsity players will train on the next three mornings at the Dresden fields from 10:00 - Noon. Players must have shin guards and soccer socks, and bring water and sunscreen. Freshmen are askes to wear red or orange shirts, sophomores green shirts, and juniors/seniors whhite shirts. Players unable to attend should contact Coach Grabill. The Varsity will train at Dresden from 5:00 - 7:00
After the morning session Tuesday, we will name a JV1 pool team to scrimmage the Woodsville Varsity on the HHS turf at 6:00. Players should wear dark socks and will given shirts. They should report to the turf at 5:00.
The JV1 team will be named Tuesday night, and scrimmage the Rivendell Varsity at 4:00 at Dresden on Wednesday.
The Varsity will depart at 1:30 for scrimmages at 4:00 and 5:00 on Wednesday at Applejack Stadium in Manchester, VT.
Here is the schedule for the next week-plus:
Game and Practice Schedule – August 24-31
Tuesday August 24
10:00 – Noon Tryouts for all candidates – Dresden Athletic Fields, Norwich. First day for new Frosh, JV1 and JV2 candidates
5:00 - 7:00 Varsity Training - Dresden
6:00 JV1 vs. Woodsville – HHS Turf
10:00 JV1 Team Named
Wednesday, August 25
10:00 – Noon Tryouts/Training – Dresden
4:00 JV1 vs. Rivendell - Dresden
4:30 Varsity vs. Burr & Burton – Applejack Stadium
5:30 Varsity vs. Mount Anthony - Applejack Stadium
10:00 p.m. Freshman/JV2 Teams named
Thursday August 26
10:00 - Noon All Teams Training - Dresden Fields
4:00 p.m. Varsity Training– Dresden Fields
Friday, August 27
4:00 p.m. Varsity and JV1 at Concord
4:00 p.m. Freshman/JV2 Training – Dresden
Saturday, August 28
Day off – entire program
Sunday, Aug. 29
4:00 p.m. Varsity Training – HHS Turf
Monday, August 30
First Day of School
3:00 p.m. Freshmen depart for Memorial – Game at 5:00
4:00 p.m. JV1-JV2 training. – Dresden Fields
7:00 p.m. Varsity Practice – HHS Turf
Tuesday, August 31
2:30 p.m. JV2 departs for Sunapee – Game at 4:30
4:00 p.m. JV2 training at Dresden
6:15 p.m. JV1 vs. Exeter – HHS Grass
6:15 p.m. Varsity vs. Exeter – HHS Turf
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