The 2021 Hanover Season is Underway!

 Welcome to the 2021 Hanover Boys Soccer  Blog.  As has been the case for nearly a decade, this daily blog is the best way to find accurate, timely information about every aspect of the boys soccer program at Hanover High School.  Posts are written late every night, and are designed to be read first thing in the morning.  We had the idea before "Daybreak"!  (We are perhaps reaching a smaller, more focused audience).  We will provide roster and schedule information, updates about practices and games, and other useful information that will be valuable for all stakeholders, including players, parents, alumni, coaches, news outlets and community members who follow Hanover Soccer.  We will continue to send email updates when we want to reach everyone with breaking news, but will soon discontinue the daily reports.  We ask every player and parent to check the blog every morning.  It's possible to bookmark us, and make the blog a morning habit for the next three months.

We have had a solid start to the season, with three days of tryouts and training in the books.  On Thursday, here in the blog, we will name the Varsity team.  This Saturday, we will send the Varsity and also a squad of JV1 candidates on their first road trips.  The Varsity will travel to Durham, NH to play Oyster Rover High School, the defending NHIAA Division II  Champions.  The JV1 pool will travel to Manchester to play several varsity teams in the West High Jamboree, including defending Division III Champion Trinity. There will be more details on those road trips in the next two days.

Thursday weather update:  There will be no training/tryouts for any players on Thursday morning, due to the forecast for copious rain.  Our productive first three days allows us to give everyone a rest day, and preserve the delicate grass at The Pasture.  (That's how indoors refer to the Dresden Fields).  It's possible that we will need to cancel afternoon sessions as well.  Please stay tuned to both email and Blog for updates.

We'll keep this one short, since it may take a while for our fan base to make the transition from email reader to blog follower.  See you here tomorrow!


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