Hanover Players Have a Chance for Charity Fundraising

 We have mentioned several times that we don't ask our players to raise money to support the soccer teams.  We do our fundraising with the publication of the souvenir program book (now in production - everyone gets a copy), and with an appeal by the Friends of Hanover Soccer.  That direct request went out to parents today.  We need the support.  So far, only 20 families out of nearly 90 have donated or pledged.

We prefer to have our players spend a small but hopefully significant amount of time and energy supporting several charitable causes.  Two of these are coming up soon. We have pledged our support to the Walk to End Alzheimers on October 2d. You have seen the signs all over the Upper Valley.  The effort is off to a great start, and out work can put the effort over the top.  There is a specific Hanover Soccer link on the fundraising page:


The Walk is based at Hanover High School!  Registration opens at 8:00, and the walk begins at 9:30 after the opening ceremony.  We hope that many of our players will participate and be supported.

A week later, on Sunday, October 10th, we will be continuing our longstanding participation in the Upper Valley CROP Hunger Walk, based win Lebanon.  We ask players to register and raise money to fight hunger locally and worldwide.  The Walk is a 5K stroll in and around downtown Lebanon (going right past the new Lightning Soccer Park near CCBA) beginning at 1:00.  Over the years, Hanover athletes have done a wonderful job supporting the CROP Walk.  One year, we had more than 50 players representing all four boys' teams and 3-4 other HHS teams. Hanover Soccer Captain Eric Ringer has taken on the leadership of this effort, and has established the Hanover Athletics page.  Here is the link:


All of our charitable fundraising is optional, of course!  But we hope our players will consider devoting some time to these worthy causes. We will continue answer questions, provide updates, and encourage participation.  Thanks to all who are supporting us!


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