All four of the Hanover boys teams will have Dresden to themselves Monday, with three training sessions and a home game for the red hot Freshman team.  The frosh host Manchester Central, and can count on the practice bus getting them there in time for a god-pregame warmup.  Kickoff with the traditionally strong Little Green is at 4:30.

The other pitch will be shared by JV1 and JV2 for a regular training session at 4:00, ending a bit early at 5:15.   The Varsity will show up at 5:00, do their warmup on the side, and then nudge the JV teams off to start their session at 5:15. They will clear off at 6:45 so that many of them can get back to the HHS Turf in time to cheer the unbeaten field hockey team on against archival Lebanon.

All four teams will play on either Tuesday or Wednesday.  Varsity and JV1 will make the trek to the Massachusetts border with 5:00 games at Salem.  Both teams will be dismissed at 2:25 sharp, and the bus will leave shortly afterwards.

On Wednesday, the Freshmen will trek to Concord for a rematch with the Crimson Tide at 4:30.  The bus will leave at 3:00 sharp, allowing for snacks at the picnic table before departure.  Wonder how many Varsity or JV players they will drop down this time?  The JV2s will head to Dresden for a 4:00 match with Cardigan Mountain.

The last game of the week will be on Thursday for the JV2s, who head to Woodsville for a 4:30 match. No early dismissal, but departure immediately after school.


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